Paediatric Dentistry

We are one of the dental clinics in Vigo that have the specialty of Paediatric Dentistry.

This is a branch of odontology that specialises in infants and children, using psychological techniques as behaviour management and anxiety control to get them to happily come to the clinic.

We have paediatric dentists with comprehensive training in paediatric dentistry that will be in charge of everything you need, without the need to refer you and your family to other specialists.

Furthermore, our facilities in Vigo will catch the eye of your children who, far from scaring them, will make them feel glad and drawn towards the bright colours, the friendly characters that decorate their walls, the lively music and the games that will always be available to them.

At Clínica Dental Romeo, we give preference to the comfort of our patients and study the behaviour of your children to help them overcome their fear of dentists. In fact, we collaborate in the dissemination and popularisation of this methodology to raise awareness among families that they should be concerned about providing optimal oral hygiene for the youngest members of the household, starting with a healthy diet and correct dental hygiene.


The efficiency and purpose of paediatric dentistry is that patients get to their adult age with a healthy, aesthetic and functionally correct mouth, and having good hygiene habits that help them with conservation and prevention.

  1. Do not worry if your child cries. This is their normal reaction to an unknown or feared situation. Do not tell them not to cry.
  2. In the event of a violent reaction, do not be alarmed. There is undoubtedly a reason for it, and there are always ways to solve the dental problem at hand.
  3. Never lie to your child; tell them they are going to the dentist, and make them understand that they will visit someone that is a friend to them. Explain to them that the dentist is like any other doctor, or like a teacher: a person who cares about their health and wellbeing.
  4. Let the child express their curiosity for everything they will find in the clinic; our doctors will answer all their questions.
  5. Avoid trying to control their fears. Do not tell unpleasant stories in front of your child, and do not let others do so.
  6. The best situation in the treatment is achieved when the child enters the dentist room on their own. This facilitates the relationship with the dentist.
  7. When you accompany your kid in the consultation, try not to intervene in their talk with the dentist. Children may get easily confused when several people are speaking or receiving indications from different parties, and they end up paying attention to none of them.
  8. Avoid having more than one adult accompanying your child.
  9. Allow your child to develop on their own; he will get there. The dentist is there to help them, and will ask for your collaboration if they deem it necessary.
  10. If possible, do not feed your children (biscuits, snacks, bottles) before consultation to prevent him from vomiting during the procedure.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any doubts, we will be happy to answer you.



Paediatric Dentist

Dra. Viviana del Rosario Pérez

General Surgery

Dra. Laura Frade



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